School of Business Administration
Kieran Mathieson
Title: Associate Professor of Management Information Systems
Office: 341 Elliott Hall
Phone: (248) 370-3507
Indiana University, Ph.D. Management Information Systems
Kieran Mathieson is associate professor of information systems at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, USA. His research focuses on computer support for learning skills.
Teaching interests:
Web application development, Programming
Research interests:
Computer support for learning skills
Journals and Articles:
Mathieson, K. , Koppelman White, E. A Tool for Helping Research Teams Make Ethical Decisions. Science and Engineering Ethics. 40
Mathieson, K. I Don't Understand. Oakland Journal. 3
Mathieson, K. Faculty selling virtual texts to their own students: An ethical problem and a technical solution. Asian Journal of Information Technology. 8
Zhang, W. , Gutierrez, O. , Mathieson, K. (2010). Information Systems Research in the Nonprofit Context: Challenges and Opportunities. Communications of the AIS. 2613
Fliedner, E. , Mathieson, K. (2009). Learning Lean: A Survey of Industry Lean Needs. Journal of Business Education. 84(4), 194-199
Mathieson, K. Dioptra: An Ethics Decision Support System. Journal of Information, Communication, Ethics, and Society. 22
Zhang, W. , Gutierrez, O. , Mathieson, K. Information Systems Research in the Nonprofit Context: A Conceptual Framework. Communications of the AIS. 18
Mathieson, K. , Tyler, C. (2008). We Don't Need No Stinking Ethics: The Struggle Continues. Journal of College and Character. 9(4), 1-12
Mathieson, K. (2008). Making Ethics Easier. Computer. 41(7), 91-93
Mathieson, K. A Tool for Helping Research Teams Make Ethical Decisions. Science and Engineering Ethics. 28
Mathieson, K. (2007). Modeling Web Applications. Alliance Journal of Business Research. 3(1), 61-72
Mathieson, K. (2007). Sneaking a Philosophical Camel into a Business Tent: Labeling the Summum Bonum for Business Students. Journal of College and Character. 8(4)
Mathieson, K. (2007). Using Information Technology Volunteers: A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Volunteer Administration. 24(6), 35-46
Mathieson, K. (2007). Towards a Design Science of Ethical Decision Support. Journal Of Business Ethics. 16
Mathieson, K. (2006). Using Volunteers for IT Work: Research Questions. International Journal of Volunteer Administration. 230-235
Mathieson, K. (2005). Factors Predicting Intention to Enroll in a Philosophy of Life Course. Journal of Academic Ethics. 2(4), 367-385
Mathieson, K. , Doane, D. P.(2005). Using Fine-Grained Likert Scales in Web Surveys. Alliance Journal of Business Research. 1(1), 27-34
Mathieson, K. , Bhargava, M. (2003). Do Our Students Want Values Programs?. Journal of College and Character. 211
Mathieson, K. (2003). Elements of Moral Maturity. Journal of College and Character. 2
Mathieson, K. (2003). The Corporate Model at Oakland University. Oakland Journal.
Mathieson, K. , Ryan, T. (2001). A Broader View of Relevance. Communications of the AIS. 6
Chin, W. , Mathieson, K. , Peacock, E. (2001). Extending the Technology Acceptance Model: The Influence of Perceived User Resources. DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, The. 3286-112
Fedor, D. , Davis, W. , Maslyn, J. , Mathieson, K. (2001). Performance Improvement Efforts in Response to Negative Feedback: The Roles of Source Power and Recipient Self-Esteem. Journal Of Management. 27(1)
Mathieson, K. , Kiely, J. (1999). Site Usability and Database-Enabled Web Sites: Separating Navigation from Form Data. WebProfession. 2(2)
Mathieson, K. (1999). Web-Based Consumer Decision Tools: Motivations and Constraints. Electronic Markets. 9(4)
Mathieson, K. , Keil, M. (1998). Beyond the Interface: Ease of Use and Task/Technology Fit. Information & Management. 34(4), 221-230
Mathieson, K. (1998). Building Effective Marketing Web Sites: The Product Inference Lens. EDI Forum: The Journal of Electronic Commerce. 11(2), 14-21
Mathieson, K. (1998). Building Relationships Between Producers, Retailers and Consumers. WebProfession. 6(6)
Mathieson, K. (1998). Choosing in the Fourth Dimension: Web Support for Long Purchase Decisions. WebProfession. 1(5)
Mathieson, K. (1998). The Product Inference Lens: A Technique for Designing Marketing Web Sites. WebProfession. 1(4)
Mathieson, K. , Ryan, T. (1997). Users' Evaluations of Packages: Demonstrations Versus Hands-On Use. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation. 1(1)
Keller, K. , Mathieson, K. (1995). Client/Server at Chrysler: Adding to the Solution Set. Journal of End User Computing. 7(3), 29-33
Mathieson, K. , Dreyer, B. (1995). Ensuring Consistency in the Estimation of Vacancy Rates. Appraisal Journal, The. 63(2)
Toland, T. , Mathieson, K. (1995). Improving Customer Service at Allnet Communications: Developing A Mission Critical Client/Server GUI System. Journal of End User Computing. 7(3), 29-33
Mathieson, K. (1994). Managing Information Technology in a University: Three Principles to Guide Organisational Design. School Organisation. 12(2), 169-179
Mathieson, K. , Ryan, T. (1994). The Effect of Definitional Variations on Information System Evaluations. DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, The. 25(2), 37-48
Mathieson, K. , Wharton, T. (1993). Are Information Systems a Barrier to Total Quality Management?. Journal of Systems Management. 44(9), 34-38
Mathieson, K. (1993). Effective User Documentation: Focusing on Tasks Instead of Systems. Journal of Systems Management. 44(5), 25-27
Mathieson, K. , Dreyer, B. (1993). Improving the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Appraisal Review: An Information Systems Approach. Appraisal Journal, The. 6(3), 414-418
Mathieson, K. (1993). Reducing Bias in Users' Evaluations of Information Systems. Information & Management. 25(165-171),
Mathieson, K. (1993). Variations in Users' Definitions of an Information System. Information & Management. 24227-234
Mathieson, K. (1993). Form-Based Software. Magazine Of Bank Administration. 46
Mathieson, K. (1991). Predicting User Intentions: Comparing the Technology Acceptance Model with the Theory of Planned Behavior. Information Systems Research. 2(3), 173-191
Mathieson, K. (1988). Prototyping Expert Systems. AI Applications in Natural Resource Management. 2(2-3), 3-11
Jacobs, F. , Mathieson, K. , Muth, J. , Hancock, T. (1986). A Rule-Based System to Generate NC Programs from CAD Exchange Files. Industrial Engineering. 20(2), 167-176
Mathieson, K. (1986). Measuring User Satisfaction. Interfaces. 16(6), 73-76
Books and Chapters:
Mathieson, K. Miree, C. (2010). Illuminating the Invisible: IT and Self-Discovery in the Workplace. (pp. 10). Sharpe.
Mathieson, K. (2004). IT and Ethics, Designing a Moral Dilemma Support System. IDEA.
Mathieson, K. Miree, C. (2003). Illuminating the Invisible: IT and Self-Discovery in the Workplace. (pp. 25). M.E. Sharpe.
Mathieson, K. (2002). The Handbook of Workplace Spirituality, Illuminating the Invisible: IT and Self-Discovery in the Workplace.
Doane, D. Mathieson, K. Tracy, R. (2000). Visual Statistics 2.0. McGraw-Hill.
Mathieson, K. (1997). Cases on Information Technology Management in Modern Organizations, Risk and Rewards at Frontier Communications: Improving Customer Service Using Client/Server Technology. Idea Group Publishing.
Mathieson, K. (1997). Encyclopedia of Microcomputers, Users' Beliefs About Microcomputer Systems: Techniques for Accurate Measurement. (pp. 293-304).
Doane, D. Mathieson, K. Tracy, R. (1997). Visual Statistics, Part I. Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
Mathieson, K. (1995). Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Measuring Users' Beliefs About Information Systems: Techniques for Improving Accuracy. (pp. 249-260).
Other Publications:
Mathieson, K. Book top navigation bar. (pp. NA).
Mathieson, K. (2019). Skilling. (pp. Lots). Drupal.Org.
Mathieson, K. (2017). Learning to debug: transferring a pattern through a sequence of games. (pp. 10). The Higher Education Revolution.
Mathieson, K. (2016). Rigorous STEM courses embrace the soft stuff. (pp. Online). The Higher Education Revolution.
Mathieson, K. (2016). Improving university skills courses. (pp. Online). The Higher Education Revolution.
Mathieson, K. (2016). Is scholarly teaching worth rewarding?. (pp. Online). The Higher Education Revolution.
Mathieson, K. IT Support for Ethical Decision Support. (pp. 8). Computer.
Fliedner, G. Pennington, P. Zak, H. Mathieson, K. (2006). Lean Curriculum Content: A Plant Manager Pilot Survey. Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference.
(2006). Thoughts.
Mathieson, K. (2006). Factors Influencing Intentions to Maintain Web Content in Voluntary Organizations. (pp. 169-171). SIGCPR.
Doane, D. Mathieson, K. Tracy, R. Visual Statistics 3ed. (pp. 200). A.I.I.E. Transactions.
Mathieson, K. (2001). Using Information Technology to Explore Moral Imagination. Proceedings of the Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference, April, Dearborn.
Doane, D. Tracy, R. Mathieson, K. (2000). Visualizing a Random Process. Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, American Statistical Association.
Mathieson, K. (1998). A M?nage ? Trois in a Manufactured Home: Improving Decisions and Building Relationships. First Oakland University Conference on Information Technology, First Oakland University Conference on Information.
Braunstein, D. Mathieson, K. (1998). Stability of Beliefs About Information Systems: A Case Study. Proceedings of the Association for Information Systems Conference, Proceedings of the Association for Information Sys.
Doane, D. Tracy, R. Mathieson, K. (1998). Visualizing Goodness-of-Fit Tests. Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, American Statistical Association, pp. 125-130.
Tracy, R. Doane, D. Mathieson, K. (1997). Integrating Computers into the Classroom: New Tools and New Pedagogy. Paper presented at the Midwest Conference on Teaching Statistics, Paper presented at the Midwest Conference on Teach.
Doane, D. Mathieson, K. Tracy, R. (1996). Teaching Statistics Visually. Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, American Statistical Association.
Mathieson, K. (1996). Three-Tier Client/Server Systems. Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference.
Tracy, R. Doane, D. Mathieson, K. (1996). Visualizing A Sampling Distribution. Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, American Statistical Association.
Mathieson, K. (1995). A Decision Support System for Student Transfer Advising. (pp. 96-101). Journal of Information System Education.
Mathieson, K. Doane, D. Tracy, R. (1995). A Program for Visualizing Comparisons Between Two Normal Distributions. Japan And The World Economy.
Tracy, R. Doane, D. Mathieson, K. (1995). Visualizing Simple Regression. Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, American Statistical Association.
Doane, D. Mathieson, K. Tracy, R. (1995). Visualizing Univariate and Bivariate Data. Proceedings of the Midwest Decision Sciences Institute, Proceedings of the Midwest Decision Sciences Insti.
Fedor, D. Mathieson, K. (1994). Investigating Multiple Responses to Negative Feedback. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
Tracy, R. Mathieson, K. Doane, D. (1994). Visualizing and Describing the Shape of Distributions. Joint Meeting of the American Statistical Association.
Doane, D. Tracy, R. Mathieson, K. (1994). Visualizing Hypothesis Tests. Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, American Statistical Association.
Doane, D. Mathieson, K. Tracy, R. (1994). Visualizing Power and Type I and II Error. presented at the Joint Meeting of the American Statistical Association.
Mathieson, K. (1993). Belief Formation and System Success: When Do Responses to Satisfaction Instruments Reflect System Attributes?. SIGCPR, SIGCPR.
Doane, D. Mathieson, K. Tracy, R. (1993). Demonstrating the Power of Computers in Understanding Process Control and Other Statistical Concepts. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association.
Doane, D. Mathieson, K. Tracy, R. (1992). Visualizing Time Series Data. Joint Meeting of the American Statistical Association.
Mathieson, K. Ryan, T. (1991). A Goal-Driven Cognitive Model of the System Evaluation Process. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Proceedings of the International Conference on Inf.